Most recent (2007) Australian National Survey of Mental Health & Wellbeing revealed a 45.5% lifetime prevalence of any mental health disorder and 12-month prevalence of 14.4% for anxiety, 6.2% for mood disorders (e.g. depression) and 5.1% for substance use disorders. GPs play important role in detection and management of depression (including suicide prevention), anxiety and intimate partner violence. Our GPs, Dr Risto and Dr Diana are Fellows of RACGP, and as such are considered “Specialists in Life” – they not only provide treatment, counselling and support for patients with mental health problems, but they also act as advocates for patients from disadvantaged social groups who are at risk of health inequity (unemployed, young people and elderly, pregnant and postpartum women, Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander people, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse patients, LBG and Transgender patients).
Ask our doctors for Mental Health Treatment Plan for Medicare rebate on referral to psychologist for qualifying conditions.
Socially disadvantaged patients with mental health problems may also be eligible for co-funding of their gap fees for counselling by psychologists and Mental Health nurses (i.e.to cover the gap after Medicare rebate) . This requires additional application for funding. Please discuss your eligibility with our GPs.